Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A brief history of liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world. This relatively simple procedure has a long history that went through multiple iterations and was assisted by technological innovations to reach a point where it is today.

          Liposuction was first invented by two Italian gynaecologists, Dr. Georgio Fister and Dr. Arpad Fischer in the year 1976. Their technique of blunt closed liposuction was published in the year 1978. Here the suction cannulas were quite large and sharp, but they were able to offer satisfactory improvements to the patient’s aesthetics.

          This innovation became extremely popular in Europe, however, it wasn’t until the 1980’s that liposuction became popular in the USA. However, technicians still used primitive technology that used large suction cannulas, thus limiting the results one could achieve.

          This method was greatly improved when Dr. Jeffery Klein developed and studied the uses of tumescent local anaesthesia. He developed small, non-sharp cannulas which reduced blood loss and thus enabled for a much better fat removal.

          This technique has been greatly improved since then and it undergoes constant technological improvements, thus ensuring betterment in liposuction. For more information about our liposuction services in Bangalore, do visit our website at